Sam Lahne


MFA Playwrights Workshop

Sam Lahne’s plays include Right (Kennedy Center/NNPN MFA Workshop), Doxxed (University of Iowa New Play Festival), #julys (Bay Area Playwrights Festival; Open Festival of New Jewish Theater), and Water Bound (Barter Theatre AFPP). Sam is a 2016-2017 Core Apprentice at the Playwrights Center in Minneapolis, a founding member of Studio Trimtab, an art/design/engineering collective, and he was a visiting playwright in residence at Endstation Theatre Company. His short play The Giant Man was a winner of the 2012 Red Bull Short Play Competition and is published in the collection "Red Bull Shorts: The Best of Red Bull Theater's Short New Play Festival." Sam received his B.A. from Vassar College and his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa.