Meridith was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. She received her BA from Connecticut College, and her MFA in Writing for the Stage & Screen from Northwestern University. She is the recipient of a Dramatist Guild Writers Alliance Grant and a former Dramatist Guild fellow. She is also a National New Play Network affiliated artist and has participated in numerous NNPN programs and initiatives including the Playwright-in-Residence program, Rolling World Premieres, MFA Playwright's workshop, Collaboration Fund, Commissions Program, and the National Showcase of New Plays. Meridith resides in Los Angeles and writes for television. An episode she co-wrote of NBC's Chicago Med received a 2018 Sentinel Award from Hollywood Health & Society.

Her work has received productions at Curious Theatre Company, Kitchen Dog Theater, Orlando Shakespeare Theater, LOCAL Theatre Company, Actor's Theater of Charlotte, Stage Left Theatre, Chicago's Theatre on the Lake, The Samuel French OOB Short Play Festival and The American Southwest Theatre Company at NMSU. Her work has also been developed and workshopped at The Kennedy Center, Chicago Dramatists, The Johnny Mercer Writers Colony at Goodspeed Musicals, Florida Repertory Theatre, The Ashland New Play Festival, Florida Studio Theatre, The NNPN National New Play Showcase, New Repertory Theatre, The Lark, Actor's Express, The Greenhouse Theatre Center, The Abbey Theatre in Orlando and Capital Rep. Upcoming: The Firestorm at First Folio Theatre.

Meridith was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Drama at Kenyon College from 2011-2012, and taught screenwriting at Northwestern University while completing her graduate work there. She has also taught playwriting to talented high school and middle school dramatists at Interlochen Center for the Arts, Curious Theatre Company, and Westridge School for Girls.