Libby Carr


MFA Playwrights Workshop

Libby is a writer and dance artist from Houston whose work hangs out at the intersection of movement spectacle and ungroomed youth. Libby’s plays have been developed or produced at Playwrights Horizons, the Kennedy Center, the Workshop Theater, the University of Texas at Austin, MOtiVE Brooklyn, and Austin's Ground Floor Theater. Libby's thesis play, A Normal Misfortune: More or Less the Story of Iphis, was awarded the 2021 Trice Prize for Creative Scholarship in a Thesis. They were a 2021 finalist for Playwrights' Center's Jerome Fellowship and a 2021 and 2022 semifinalist for the Bay Area Playwrights' Workshop. They have a BA in Playwriting and a BA in Plan II Honors from the University of Texas at Austin, and they’re a proud member of EST/Youngblood.

Libby’s an only child raised by three teachers. Their favorite part of the rodeo is mutton busting.