Kelly Lusk


MFA Playwrights Workshop

Kelly Lusk is a Chicago based playwright who recently completed his MFA in playwriting at Indiana University. His works have been developed at the Kennedy Center with NNPN’s MFA playwriting workshop, DC's Source Festival, MadLab Theater in Columbus, and Orlando Shakespeare’s Playfest. His short play, Space, was finalist for the National Ten Minute Play contest at Actor’s Theatre of Louisville. In the summer of 2009 Kelly was chosen to study in Umbria, Italy with Charles Mee through LaMaMa ETC. His works include: (a love story), Lacy and Ashley Live in a Trailer Now, king oedipus, and The Day We Fell in Love. He was also recently selected to be a Core Apprentice at The Playwright's Center in Minneapolis. He teaches creative writing at Harper College.