An O. Henry Award winner, John Biguenet has published ten books, including The Torturer's Apprentice, Oyster, Shotgun, The Rising Water Trilogy: Plays, and Silence. His work has appeared in such magazines as The Atlantic, Granta, Esquire, The New Republic, Playboy, Storie (Rome), Tin House, Zoetrope, and many anthologies. He is the author of such award-winning plays as Wundmale, The Vulgar Soul, Rising Water, Shotgun, Mold, Broomstick, and Night Train, which he developed on a Studio Attachment at the National Theatre in London. He has received an NNPN Commission Award, has had a play selected for the NNPN Showcase of New Plays, and has had two NNPN Rolling World Premieres. He is the recipient of the Louisiana Writer Award, the state’s highest literary honor. Named its first guest columnist by The New York Times, Biguenet chronicled in both columns and videos his return to New Orleans after its catastrophic flooding and the efforts to rebuild the city. Past president of the American Literary Translators Association, he is the Robert Hunter Distinguished University Professor at Loyola University in New Orleans. See for more information . He is represented by Ron Gwiazda at Abrams Artists Agency.