Hannah Wolf is a Los Angeles based director originally from Juneau Alaska. She makes "subversively shiny" work for the stage that experiments with form, content and the role of the audience. Hannah collaborates with playwrights, musicians, magicians, craft brewers, dancers, puppeteers and many others to develop new plays and to subvert old ones. She founded and curates the blog Ask A Director and has written about theatre and performance for culturebot.org and howlround.com. She also founded and produces the Los Angeles event MeetCute with fellow director Katie Lindsay.

Recent work includes: She Buried the Pistol by Lydia Blasidell (La Jolla’s WOW Festival) Instructions for a Séance by Katie Bender (MoHA), Franklin by Samantha Noble (Perseverance Theatre), TITLE LOADING (Fusebox Festival), The Bigot by William Glick, Dry Land by Ruby Rae Spigel, ENRON by Lucy Prebble (UT Austin), and The Sky Game by Kimberly Belflower (Peppercorn Theatre). Hannah's production of ENRON by Lucy Prebble (UT Austin) received a total of six Austin Critics Table Award nominations, including Best Director and Best Production.

She's directed and developed work at the Geffen Playhouse, Greenway Arts, We the Women Collective, The Fountain Theatre, Perseverance Theatre, Superhero Clubhouse, The Civilians, Colt Coeur, TerraNOVA Collective, Dixon Place, Columbia University, New York University, The Vineyard Theatre and Ensemble Studio Theatre.

She's a member of the 2012 Lincoln Center Directors Lab, 2018/19 National Directors Fellow (O'Neill, NNPN, SDC and the Kennedy Center), 2014/15 Soho Rep Writer/Director Lab and was in Bucharest Romania in 2013/2014 as a Fulbright Research Fellow. She received her M.F.A. in Directing from the University of Texas at Austin and is a proud SDC Associate.