David Mitchell Robinson


MFA Playwrights Workshop

David Mitchell Robinson is likely a playwright because growing up in the frosty Twin Cities suburbs requires one to develop a surplus of indoor, isolation-intensive hobbies. So far, his goal to write a play about every place he’s ever lived has resulted in Carapace (Minneapolis), Olympic Village (Atlanta), The Imaginary Music Critic Who Doesn’t Exist (Chicago), and Terminals (airplanes).

These and other plays have been produced, developed, or commissioned by the Alliance Theatre, Center Theatre Group, Primary Stages, the Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Actor’s Express, Forum Theatre, Theater J, B Street Theatre, the Inkwell, Rep Stage, Pittsburgh Irish and Classical Theatre, Rorschach Theatre, the Source Festival, Field Trip Theatre, and Ohio University, where he received his MFA. Carapace is available through Samuel French.

David has been the winner of the Kendeda Graduate Playwriting Competition and the Scott McPherson Playwriting Award, a two-time nominee for the PoNY Fellowship, a Suzi Bass Award nominee, and a finalist for such programs as the Jerome Fellowship, the Clubbed Thumb Biennial Commission, NNPN's Smith Prize Commission, the Lark's Playwrights' Week, the NNPN Showcase of New Plays, and the Inkwell’s development programs.