Chelsea Woolley


MFA Playwrights Workshop

Chelsea Woolley is a playwright whose work includes: Paint Me This House of Love (Tarragon Theatre), Enormity, Girl, and the Earthquake in Her Lungs (Nightwood Theatre’s Groundswell Festival), The Mountain (Geordie Theatre, Spinning Dot Theatre), The Only Good Boy (Theatre BSMT), and These Peaceable Kingdoms (New Words Festival). She is the founder of the Mixed-Arts Performance Partnership Program connecting young artists living in precarity to professional artistic mentorship, and the creator of a writer’s unit for teens at Red Door Shelter where she and they co-wrote a script titled, One Day. Chelsea has been recognized through a number of awards including: Tarragon Theatre’s RBC Emerging Playwright, The Playwright Guild of Canada’s SureFire List, The Ellen Ross Stuart Opening Doors Award, and the Toronto Fringe New Play Contest. She has attended the Banff Playwright’s Lab, and the National New Play Network’s Playwright’s Workshop at the Kennedy Centre in Washington D.C.. Chelsea is currently the Head of Drama at the Canadian Children's Opera Company, and is a graduate of the National Theatre School of Canada’s Playwriting Program.